** In 2001, Ilse Garrett took on the task of creating an ongoing Memorial Book. She researched online for obituaries; she wrote heartfelt letters to the families of our deceased classmates, requesting written memories, stories, photos, obituaries, etc. Over the months, as she received loving and grateful letters from families and friends of the deceased, she became more and more committed and dedicated to her task of respectfully remembering and memorializing our fallen friends through these memorial tributes.
Below is the Preface she wrote for the book:
"While working on our 30th Reunion, I took upon myself the task of paying tribute to the Alumni whom have passed away. As I get older, I begin to realize my own mortality and wonder how I would be remembered, if at all. Would anyone be curious as to how I left this world? Did I have any family? What did my friends have to say about me? Or, would I just pass into the next life, unnoticed.
We went to school with these men and women. Some knew them from 1st Grade, maybe even earlier. But, did we REALLY know them? I'm no better at keeping in touch than the next person. Maybe that is why I took on this project.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of information to go by. This is an ongoing project. The information that I do have is gathered from family and friends and a lot of research. I will, to the best of my ability, continue to gather information and memories from anyone who wishes to contribute. Some of our alumni met tragic endings. All died way too young. But, hopefully, all will be remembered in years to come.
I invite anyone to add a line or entire page to this memorial. Pictures would be greatly appreciated, copied, scanned, and, if mailed, will be returned."
NOTE: We are migrating Ilse's Memorial Book over to these web pages. Toni can use any and all help, finding obituaries, photos, memories, stories, etc. Please submit any and all to Toni
Your lost friends are not dead, but gone before, advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod ~ Aristophanes