Welcome to the archived pages of the Alamo Heights High School Class of 1971,
San Antonio, and all who were our classmates at any point between 1959 and 1971,
our childhood friends who transferred out and did not graduate with us.
Please go to our NEWER web site found at this web address:
SAVE THE DATE: 45 Year Class Reunion, November 5, 2016
go to www.ahhs71.org for details
Our Web Site history & evolution:www.ahhs71.com was created in 2001 and was a continuous work in progress for over 10 years. In 2013, with an update of our web design software, some pages took on a slightly different look, resulting in a mix of "old" and "new" looks within the site. Content remains, but was moved within the site, hence, you may notice broken links & missing photos.
View older original site pages: http://ahhs71.com/oldsite/
In 2016, we switched to a brand new, more private, web site, and new URL, www.ahhs71.org. The "old" site pages and content will remain archived on the internet, and are linked with this new site.
Our Private Shutterfly Site, https://ahhs71.shutterfly.com/ is where we post Reunion Photos, our former Bio Book, our 2001 Class Directory. It is an efficient way to share large numbers of photos and it is password protected. Google and other searches engines cannot display our Shutterfly content, so it provides more privacy.
Our Class Facebook Group: We encourage you to use Facebook, as it is an easy way to quickly keep you up to date on news, deaths, events, etc. Become a "Member" of our Facebook Group Alamo Heights Class of 1971, a great way to stay connected to news and events, even if you do not wish to interact.
Your Facebook privacy settings can be set to restrict who and how people interact with you, or to prevent interaction.
Odyssey: a long wandering and eventful journey Image by Robert Schonhoff