April 2014 Update:
My wife Patricia, daughters Emma and Elisa, and I have moved back to San Antonio. I retired from the Department of State where I served as a Commissioned Officer of the President, in roles such as a Foreign Service Officer, Diplomat, and Consul General for 27 years. I spent 3 or 4 years in each of: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Mexico City, Mexico; Washington, D.C.; San Salvador, El Salvador; Kingston, Jamaica; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico; Managua, Nicaragua; and Dominican Republic again. I also spent a little time training at the War College.
My daughters are in Alamo Heights schools, and their activities include competitive select soccer, piano, violin, choir, and Girl Scouts. My wife works at NEISD.
Graduate of Rice University in Houston with a B.A. in Political Science and in Psychology
High School Activities:
National Honor Society, Student Council, Physics Club,
Science Research Club, Fencing Club, Chess Club