Ilse Frost Garrett

Ilse in 1971 ~ and ~ in 2012

"Life is wonderful and my faith is the number 1 reason I am here to enjoy life!"

Ilse "Lacey" Garrett

September 22, 1953 ~ October 20, 2012

Porter Loring Obituary & Guest Book

SA Exress News Obituary & Guest Book

Shutterfly Album

Lacey's Facebook


Ilse “Lacey” Garrett, age 59 of Seguin, passed away on Saturday, October 20, 2012. She lived to laugh and loved life to the fullest. Lacey touched the hearts and lives of many. She will be missed by all who knew her. “Be kind to all you meet, each of us carries a burden that others can’t see.” Lacey was preceded in death by her father, Don Garrett; her sister, Kathleen Prosk; her brother, Ian McNeel and mother, Ita Frost Garrett McNeel. She is survived by her son, Michael Garrett; grandchildren, Mikaela and Coleman Garrett; her forever best friend, Larry Paul; aunt and uncle, Pat and Tom Frost and extended family. In lieu of flowers, the family request memorial contributions be given to The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas, 205 W. Olmos Drive, San Antonio, TX 78212. Rev. Dr. Patrick Gahan officiated at Ilse's Memorial Service at Porter Loring McCullough

Please send your memories, stories, photos to

Remembering Ilse

In 2001, when word circulated on that helpers and planners were needed for our 30 Year Reunion, Ilse was among the first to volunteer, in fact, to co-chair the event. She helped locate our "lost" class members, a daunting and difficult task at times. She offered to create a Memorial Book, for display at the reunion, and beyond. She researched online for obituaries; she wrote heartfelt letters to the families of our deceased classmates, requesting written memories, stories, photos, obituaries, etc. Over the months, as she received loving and grateful letters from families and friends of the deceased, she became more and more committed and dedicated to her task of remembering and memorializing our fallen friends through the Memorial Book, a Display Board for the reunion, and on our new web site.
Ilse also took on the tedious & time consuming task of scanning all of the headshots from our Olmos yearbook, to be used on the web site and for reunion name badges. Over the course of 2001, as I was starting up the web site, Ilse and I spoke and laughed frequently by phone and email. She researched prospective locations for the reunion, and then later on, was responsible for the cleverly painted glass centerpieces, which we used at the 30th reunion. Ilse kept me laughing and encouraged me when I'd get overwhelmed by web site and reunion logistics. We corresponded practically daily by email, & I grew to love her email sign-off "Ciao dahlink!" It always made me smile. With Ilse in Boerne, and I in Austin, we started a tradition of bi-weekly evening "happy hour" conference call discussions - sipping wine in front of our computers and talking logistics & planning.
In the years since 2001, Ilse continued to forward sad news of classmates' passing, to me for the web site, and kept me updated on what was going on in her life. In her 2011 updated BIO, her words radiated how happy she was with her life, and how much pride and love she has for her family and dearest friends. Today, we lovingly add Ilse to our list of classmates gone before us, as she has so respectfully done for those who went before her. So, for now, dear Ilse, bless you for touching our lives, and, Ciao Dahlink! your friend, Toni Schmid Stevenson

She was brave enough to ride in some of the go-carts we fabricated and rode on Castano. ~ Taylor Sealy


Ilse's 2011 BIO Update: "As far as adventures go, since last we wrote these, I have gone back to riding motorcycles.  My ex and I bought a bike in Florida and flew down to Ft. Lauderdale and rode it back to Texas and it was the best trip I've had in a long time. I was almost killed in 2009 when a truck ran a stop sign and hit myself and my boyfriend at the time broadside.  I almost lost my life and almost lost my leg. BUT...I'm alive, my leg was saved, I can walk and things are getting better.  I still ride, but now I ride me own; 2010 Ultra Classic Trike. I live way out in the country alone with my cat, but around my friends and it's the best place to be.
"Life is wonderful and my faith is the number 1 reason I am here to enjoy life!"

3/13/09 "Proud of my granddaughter Mikaela Ashlyn and grandson Coleman Levi"

Ilse's BIO as of Summer 2001:

Began 1st Grade at St. Lukes Episcopal School. My first Grade teacher was Mrs. Lewis. 2nd Grade, Mrs. Crow.
Spare time? <laughing> You're joking, right? I thought once the kids were grown and gone, we would have spare time. But I don't know where it is! I guess spare time would be hunting and reading.
Most important to me is my family. Then I would have to say wildlife conservation.
I would like to be remembered as someone who loved life, her family, and her friends. Someone that could be counted on to help in whatever way she could.
Advice to children: Believe in yourself and be true to yourself.
Awards: Blue ribbons at the Uintah County Fair for needlework, recognition's Honored along with other volunteers in 2000 for working at the Boerne Animal Shelter since '99.
Adventures: I' m not very adventurous. For me, it was leaving Texas and moving to Utah for 3 years. I spent most of my time in the mountains photographing wildlife.
I am most proud of my son, Michael. He is the air that I breathe.
Greatest accomplishment: Raising my son to be the incredible young man he is today. I know all parents are proud of their children. I consider myself among the luckiest.
On a day off: Work on my genealogy.

April 2012 ~ Port Aransas

Grandson, Coleman Levi

Granddaughter, Mikaela Ashlyn

"He is the air that I breathe"


April 2012 ~ Ilse and her Goddesses in Port A

2008 Michael & Lauri Family

2006 Best Friends Forever

2005 ~ Best Friends Forever!

2003 ~ Michael, with his wife Lauri

Ilse loves her son Michael
. . .

2001 ~ 30 Year Reunion: Ilse & Toni, co-coordinators ~ Ilse with Rusty & Howard Adams

2001 Reunion - Lyn, Lynn, Ilse, Paula

Ilse's AHHS Interests & Accomplishments
Chaps 1,2; Library Club 1, 2; Los Cuates 1; Projectionists Club Secretary 2; O.E.A 3

Projectionists Club 1968-1969, Secretary

St Luke's, 2nd Grade, Mrs Crow


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