Miss Linda Wise


After retiring from teaching, Miss Wise went into Law

Student Council Sponsor

Miss Wise was among our favorite Teachers

Miss Linda Wise accompanied thirteen AH students to the Governor's Conference. The delegation of Lynn Moreland, Lyn Straus, Wendy Bolen, Janie Smith, Jim Timmins, Susan Bass, Mannti Cummins, Devvie Morrison, Spook Gordon, Bettie Bernhardt, Mac McSwain, Gary Kahn, and Malcom Derden went to Austin to express its "youthful" views on a variety of topics.
My best memory is Miss Linda Wise! She was the student council sponsor and always seemed to have a good word for everyone. U hope I can be half as good as she was when I start teaching. I had her for one class and she would remind me to keep on smilin'! It is easier to grin than frown. I have absolutely no doubt she is a credit to the legal profession up in Dallas. She could never work for the Dewey, Cheatem and Howe law firm! Linda Wise, the way you changed careers is an encouragement to me! ~ Eric Renth