2001: Reunion Odyssey
October 2001

Last Updated: April 2011

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Our 2001: Reunion Odyssey Weekend was a huge success. The entire Reunion experience, from the first idea of it in February thru October 13, was one of enthusiasm, humor, pleasure, & pride. We had a fun, diverse (geographically & otherwise) group of volunteers. Email and The Internet played a HUGE part in it as well.

2001 BIO BOOK and Directory

Reunion Photos, Bio Book, and Directory are now on SHUTTERFLY
http://ahhs71.shutterfly.com/ (password protected) Request Password

Re-Cap of Weekend Events
Approximately 270 Classmates & their guests attended our Reunion Events

Friday Night Mixer at Barn Door - We guardedly walked in, unsure of who we would know, or if anyone would know us, but as the evening progressed, many old and new friendships were re-kindled. A good time was had. Thank goodness for NameTags & Reading Glasses. Also, earlier that evening, several members of Woodridge Elementary 1959/1960 First Grade Class, honored their former Teacher, Mrs. Evelyn Lee, and her husband at a nostalgic dinner. Members included: Walton Tassos Selig, Gordon Stevenson, Libby Castleberry Brocard, Mark Sullivan, and Shelley Daniel Janicek.

Saturday Morning Living History Tour - Battle of The Alamo: Our own talented and entertaining Tom Jackson, a veteran living historian, conducted an enjoyable living history tour of Alamo Plaza in historical attire with flintlock rifle to explain the siege and battle of the Alamo. (Mannti Cummins "assisted" with his Mexican Vanna White gig) Alamo Tour - Tom Jackson ~ Alamo Audience ~ Alamo Onlookers

Golf Friday morning, 7 ladies & gents played at Brackenridge: Max Wier, Dev Temple, Jim O'Brien, Jim Gorman, Ginny Seymour Johnson, Meredith Wheeler, & Richard Clark. Max qualified for having hit the most trees. Meredith and Ginny tied for most ear piercings, Gentleman Jim Gorman was most eligible bachelor. Jim O'Brien was discovered communicating with the squirrels. Dev was Mr. Congeniality, as always.

Golf Saturday morning, 12 played at Rebecca Creek: Jim Jung, Richard Jung, Susan McCullough Altgelt, John McCaleb, David Bongio, George Wyatt, Don Rymer, Shelley Daniel Janicek, Donnie Janicek, Mike Caruthers, Russ Huffington, Max Wier. Again, Max pretended to hit the most trees. And Shelley Daniel, she always seemed so sweet and demure - a KILLER of golf balls. John McCaleb, Shelley Daniel Janicek, & Russ Huffington were on the winning team. Nice birdie on #18 John.

Saturday Family Picnic @ the home of Steve & Shannon Gilliland Nisbet - was an opportunity to kick back, enjoy a sunny October day, visit with old and new friends. We also got to ooooo and ahhhhh over the youngest child of a '71 Grad - Catherine Alice Jacob, daughter of Lynda & Mark Jacob - what a little doll, but 'fraid we bored her stiff, as she slept thru the afternoon. Thanks again Shannon for sharing your lovely yard.

Saturday Afternoon Tour of the High School Current Principal, Dr. Linda Foster, and Mrs. Mary Zuschlag (who began her first year at AHHS with us in '67 and will retire this year) guided 65 Grads and families on a wonderful, nostalgic tour. We turned back the clock 30+ years as we clowned around the different wings, sat in the desks of our former classrooms, filed up and down those old stairs. Plus saw many great new additions to the campus. Good and Not-so-Good Memories flooded back. The Biology Lab looked pretty much the same, tall black tables. The Library has that same wonderful 'library smell'. New cafeteria above ground. The Hoof Print is now downstairs instead. New cool Band Hall. Mule Stall and Tennis Courts are long gone. Funny how the place looks so small now - it seemed larger back on that first day in 1967.

Saturday Night - 2001: Odyssey Party - San Antonio Garden Center - Dinner catered by El Jarro de Arturo; Bar by Raffles Restaurant & Bar; Music & Special Video Presentation by our very talented classmate, Robert Schonhoff. The Memorabilia/Nostalgia Displays provided retrospect entertainment, and The Memorial Corner was an honorable & loving tribute to our deceased classmates. It was great to visit with some of our former teachers. Mr. Larry Williams (Jr. High History) was heartbroken that a bad cold prevented him from attending, but he sent his love to all. The evening & entire weekend simply went by too quickly. We'll plan more casual visiting time at our 35th.

Congratulations & Thank You to all who have contributed to making this the best reunion in the history of reunions.
Special Thanks To The Following Folks who made it happen.


Ilse Garrett
Gordon Stevenson
Gary & Karleen Kaufman Kusin - Kinkos Copy/Printing Services
Sandy Boehl March
Toni Schmid
Robert Schonhoff
Cecille Carnes Daniel
Joe Cohen
Jim Gorman
Shannon Gilliland Nisbet
Tom Jackson
Gina & Greg Waters - The Flower Forrest www.flowerforrest.com
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Joe Cohen, Larry Stenger, Libby Castleberry Brocard, Pat Thompson Hrdlicka, Kellis Chandler, Russ Huffington, Max Wier, Robert Schonhoff, Sandy Boehl March, Ilse Garrett, Gordon Stevenson, Cecille Carnes Daniel, Kathryn West Moser, Bettie Bernhardt Borton, Jim Gorman, David Ball, Shannon Gilliland Nisbet, Toni Schmid, Karleen Kaufman Kusin, Jeff Dunn, Nancy Hamner Avellar, Doug Barnes, Chris Creamer, Charlie Beck, Jill Rips, Sissy Flournoy Arnett, Marcie Wittels, Lynn Erben Gillaspy, Nancy Hopkins Hall, Tom Jackson, Betsy Collins Brant, Ginny Seymour Johnson, Sandra Nelson Hoffman, Suzy Sledge, Deborah Williams Furlow, Emily Miller Scano
to Dr. Linda Foster and Mrs. Mary Zuschlag for leading two fantastic tours of the High School on Saturday. To our Class of 1975 Registration Table Volunteers: Anne Thompson Rodgers, and Cheryl Hartwig Hart. And to our three AHHS Student Models: Lauren, Hannah, & Caitlin (& to Day Doughty Smith for facilitating

Reunion Committee:

Registration/Database/Website: Toni Schmid - tschmid@austin.rr.com
Memorial & Foundation Info: Ilse Garrett - ilsegarrett@stic.net
History & Memorabilia Display: Pat Thompson Hrdlicka & Gordon Stevenson - b24b24@aol.com
Music Arrangment & Presentation Video: Robert Schonhoff - roberts@netstar2k.com
BIO Book & Directory: Joe Cohen & Jim Gorman
Imaging/Scanning: Sandy Boehl March & Ilse Garrett
Picnic Coordinator & Host: Shannon Gilliand Nisbet
Living Tour of Battle of the Alamo: Tom Jackson
Golf Coordinators: Russ Huffington, Max Wier
Libations Coordinator: Kellis Chandler
El Jarro de Arturo Liaison: Kathryn West Moser
Facilities Arrangements: Libby Castleberry Brocard, Kellis Chandler, Ilse Garrett, Toni Schmid
Decorations & Volunteers: Ilse Garrett & Pat Thompson Hrdlicka

Send us your Reunion Weekend Photos: Scan/Email or Snail Mail your pics of in to be posted here. Please Scan and Email to tschmid@austin.rr.com to be posted here on our site.
Photo links below are broken. View Photos from past Reunions on our password protected Site on http://ahhs71.shutterfly.com/
Class Photo - SAGC Oct 13 Toni & Ilse @ SAGC Lyn Lynn Ilse & Paula
Barn Door Group w/Joe Barn Door Big Grinin' Group Ilse & Toni, comrades
Arizpe, Day, Gordon, Toni, Tressa Barn Door Big Group w/Betsy Barn Door Tom Jackson
Barn Door Toni, Ann, Lili Barn Door Group w/B Harshaney Mrs. Lee Dinner @ Barn Door
Alamo Tour - Tom Jackson Alamo Living History Tour Alamo Tour Audience
Rusty Howard Ilse Sat night We need photos from Sat Afternoon
Pics by Eric Renth: Scanned by Ilse Garrett - thank you Eric and Ilse.
Mike Caruthers, Doug Rennels L Stenger A Chincarini M Grimes Lili Simpson, Kakky Anderson
Deborah Williams, Guy Ruff Karen Pogue D Barnes Spook G Dan Eisenhauer, Robin Harris
Tay & Mimi Mason Hollis Pantalion, Chuck Garibay Becky Craig, Pat Hagy
Eisenhauer Erben Schenken Kathy O'Neill K Pogue Debra Ford Howard, Becky & friends on Tour
Cricket Kleine, Melissa Proll Jon Gilhousen, Jimbo Roberts Betty Wray, T Mayfield, P Renth
P Becker, L Barrett, S Mount Mannti Cummins, Tom Jackson Tom Jackson, Kellis Chandler
Bo Shaw, Rusty Brusenhan Sara Mount, Jim Foster Ed Rosillo, John Fitzpatrick
Lisa Barrett and Family Larry Stenger, Bubba Groos Mark Jacob, David Henkes
Ilse Garrett, Jim Gorman Rymers, Bob, Renths, Tay

Cecille Carnes, Mandy Stevenson

Florence Bunten, Guy Ruff Rick and Ann Smith Shaw Ernie Akers, Mike Grimes
P Renth, Kakky, Mark Sullivan Mandy S, Martha J, Peggy B

Eric-Phyllis Renth, Lisa Barrett

Pics by Deborah Williams Furlow: Thank you Deborah & Ilse.

Lynn Tina Richard Kellis Ginny Dell Gordon Betsy Ilse

Karen Pogue and Betsy Collins Deborah Williams & sis-Kathleen, and Danny Eisenhauer
Micki U George W Ginny S back to top

Class Directory & Bio Book: If you did NOT attend Saturday night, you may also purchase copies of our Class Directory $10, BIO Book $15. Or, Send $30 (extra $5 for web site -Includes shipping & contrib to WEB site maint fund.) *** Contact Toni at tschmid@austin.rr.com to request. Make Check to: AHHS 1971 Class Reunion; mail to Toni Schmid, 302 Cedar Oak Drive, Austin, TX 78746 return to top

To locate a name, go to EDIT, then FIND; or use Ctrl+F

Attendee List in order of Registration: 270 folks!

Bill Thomas
Suzy Sledge
Toni Schmid
Gordon Stevenson
Boo Boo Jockusch Reynolds
John Reynolds
Karen L. Pogue
Terry L. Peterson
Mary Peterson
John Fitzpatrick
Tay Mason
Mimi Mason
Allen Fields
Paulette Fields
Lynn Fawcett Russell
John Russell
Michael Lyman
Day Doughty Smith
Paxton Smith
Mary O'Neill Kimball
John P. Kimball, Jr.
Ilse Garrett
Ernie Altgelt
Susan McCullough Altgelt
Rebecca (Becky) Craig Miller
Jimmy Jung
Jeanne McCreless Jung
Melanie Larson Crain
Glenn Crain
Betty Wray Venson
Mike Venson
Jill Rips
Joann Hunt Doyal
Dub Doyal
Sherri Gerth
Kathryn West Moser
Lyn Straus Selig
Kellis Chandler
Martha Jackson James
Ann Rundell Leighton
Deborah Williams Furlow
Tom Field
Colin Campbell
Anne Lambert
Peggy Becker Payne
Joe Payne
Jana Orsinger
Bill Orr
Sara Mount Barbour
Sissy/Claire Flournoy Arnett
Richard Bixby
Jackie Mahoney Bixby
Cecille Carnes Daniel
Bill Daniel
Penny Thomas Thomas
Robert Charles 'Skeeter' Thomas
Foster Huff
Rosa Huff
Ross Laughead
Beth Cullen
Blake Middleton
Kathy Middleton
Mark Davis
Audrey Davis
Max Wier
Anne Wier
Richard Walthall
Kathy Richard
Doug Barnes
Jan Barnes
Cynthia Cooper O'Connor
Dan O'Connor
Shannon Gilliland Nisbet
Stephen Nisbet
John McCaleb
Margo McCaleb
Ginny Seymour Johnson
Jim Gorman
Pat Thompson Hrdlicka
Henry Grun
Janet L. Grun
Graham T. Hall
Deborah Finkbeiner Dunn
Harrell Hough

Karen Nelson
Brass Brownlee
Debbie Turner Gregg
Cecil Gregg
Rick Schimpff
Jenny Schimpff
Debra Fuhrmann Newman
Caroline Newman
Eric Renth
Phyllis Renth
Roy Campbell
Debbie Campbell
Tom Jackson
Jerrie Jackson
Mickey Starks
Jimbo Roberts
Rusty Brusenhan
Larry Stenger
Shelley Daniel Janicek
Donnie Janicek
Clay (Phil) Prystash
Linna Prystash
Winifred Reser Bishop
John Bishop
Edward Giese
Ursula Giese
Dell Acosta Gonzalez
Leonard Gonzalez
Bubba Groos
Carol Colhoun Groos
David Henkes M.D.
Danielle Henkes
Florence Bunten
Chris Champlin
Barbara Jones Larson
Christine Moye
Robert Schonhoff
Pat Hagy Bunch
Sandy Boehl March
Guy Ruff
Susan Ruff
Charley Gates
Pat Tebbs-Gates
Nancy Hamner Avellar
Michael Avellar
Dev Temple
Jane Ann Temple
John Arizpe
Judy Arizpe
Randy Mayo
Carolyn Creamer Mayo
Sandra Nelson Hoffman
David Hoffman
Margi Lowrey Groos
David Clary
David (Bo) Shaw
Clarissa Shaw
Russ Huffington
Cheryl Dykes
Steve Golden
Carol Carleston Morgan
Ken Morgan
Maryanne Leeper Gill
Ames Gill
Gary Gates
Margaret Gates
Judy Whiteaker Jenkins
Rich Jenkins
Rachel Harmon
Mike Grimes
Bob Comer
Teresa Comer
Chuck Garibay
Pam Garibay
Maren Garibay
Steve McClelland
Kathy McClelland
Danny Eisenhauer
David Bongio
Kathy Dreyfus Grotta
Jim Grotta
Katherine Nicholas
Elizabeth Webb Pipkin
Jim Pipkin
Charles (Spook) Gordon
Laurie Gordon
Doug Rennels
Armando Chincarini
Bowen Moursund
Jeanne Moursund
Emily Miller Scano

Fred Holliday
Lynn Moreland Jung
Richard Jung
Dennis Edwards
Cindy Edwards
John Heaney
Diedre Heaney
Lynn Erben Gillaspy
Doug Gillaspy
Mark Jacob
Lynda Jacob
Libby Castleberry Brocard
Pascal Brocard
Cathe Krause Spencer
John Spencer
Paula Loring
Ed Fasanella
Joe Cohen
Karleen Kaufman Kusin
Gary Kusin
Mrs. Nila K. Earle
Mandy Stevenson Roggemann
Mark Roggemann
Benner Barclay
Rebecca Barclay
Dundee Fraser Sowell
John Sowell
Tressa Lea Lynn Billings
Laurie Murray
Jimmy O'Brien
Carol O'Brien
George Wyatt
Bobby Gutierrez
Ruby Segura
Bill Harshaney
Jenilu Rockwood
Deborah Ford Femat
Kakky Anderson Dyer
Thomas Wakely
Bob Schenken
Kathleen Schenken
Hollis Pantalion
Betsy Collins Brant
Walton Tassos Selig
Howard Adams
Larry Huante
Linda Huante
Kathy O'Neill
Sarah Ryan Carpenter
Rick Carpenter
Tony Massoth
Marion Massoth
Kent Quereau
Laurie Nuckols
Don Rymer & Chris
Sandie Poole Sewell
Ben Sewell
Becky Shaver Benson
Vernon Benson
Carol Pope
Ed Rosillo
Lupe Rosillo
Mark Sullivan
Julie Sloan Sullivan
Joe Labatt
Mannti Cummins
Blanca Herrera de Cummins
Micki Ussery
Julie Ingle
Lisa Barrett Wachtel
Chris Wachtel
William Dinius
Robin Harris
Taylor Sealy
Florence DeForest Sealy
Mike Caruthers
LaQuita Caruthers
Lili Simpson
Cary Tucker
Michael Biechlin
Kathy Keating Johnston (Fri)
Kay Stewart Hemmick (Fri)
Cricket Kleine
Melissa Proll
Jon Gilhousen (Fri)
Ernie Akers (Fri)
Pati Earhart Zimmermann
Larry Zimmermann
Lori Kaplan
Tommy Mayfield and daughters
Nanci Segner (Mike's Wife)

Mr. Richard Cranford & Mrs. Susie Cranford
Mrs. Nila K. Earle
Mrs. Elaine Carol & Mr. Leonard Carol
Mrs. Caroline Olson Flannery & Mr. John Flannery
Mrs. Mary Zuschlag & Kenneth Zuschlag
Mr. Johnnie Eng (picnic)
Mrs. Lee (Woodridge Elementary First Grade Teacher)
Mrs. Gates (Woodridge Elementary First Grade Teacher)

Mrs Lee, Woodridge Elementary First Grade Teacher was honored on Friday by several of her former pupils
Doug Barnes brought his Woodridge Elementary First Grade Teacher, Mrs. Gates, to our Reunion Party.