September 24, 2011 - Cain's Children will share the stage with Neon Shakers at our 40th Reunion
Barnes, Mark Eastwood, David Ludwig, Kent Quereau, Cliff Oliver, and Rick Linn sitting in for Steve McClelland

Mark "Dino" Eastwood Bass, Vocals
David Ludwig - Drums
Doug Barnes Lead Vocals, cow bell, tambourine & harmonica
Quereau Lead & Slide Guitar, Vocals
Rick Linn - Keyboards (sitting in for Steve McClelland)
John Mathis - Sound Man
Fest 2010 - Band Reunion
here for details at saboomie web site
Cain's Children took to the stage again for a rip roarin' set!
Our set was:
No Matter What by Badfinger
Ride Captain Ride by Blues Image
You Won't see Me by The Beatles
Listen to her Heart by Tom Petty
Love Me 2 Times by the Doors
I Got a Line on You by Spirit
This year all the
bands had really ramped up on their rehearsal time so all the songs
sounded great! Songs like Mississipi Queen, Black Cloud, Blackwater,
Reel'n in the Years, all were performed with precision. The Pipelines
did an entire set of Beach Boys songs and
their harmonies were dead on.
2009 - Sam Kinsey's - Teen Canteen Reunion
Cains Children got back together for a gig! It was
not exactly the original line up, but very close. Doug Barnes, Kent
Quereau, Mark Eastwood, and David Ludwig teamed up with Cliff Oliver
and a few others to play on August 23rd at a tribute for Sam Kinsey,
the guy that ran the Teen Canteen for all those years.
Floores Country Store / Honky Tonk Cafe & Bar, Helotes, TX
Mark posted "Under My Thumb" on YouTube. The beginning is a little
out of sync. He is using the video from a hand held, non-professional
camera and the sound was recorded through the feed at the sound board.
Special thanks to sound wizard John Mathis who came and mixed for us
despite recent surgery and whose work is like that of a magician - very
quick hands with a magical outcome. John, hope you are healing well
and thank you again. It comes together after the first verse. Not too
bad for guys that haven't played together for 38 years. Relax, this is the last one for awhile. - Doug
"OK, my voice cracks, but I was hoarse by then! Still not bad
for a bunch of old fat guys. Note the cowbell is always on the beat!"
- Doug
See more videos on YouTube
Barnes, Mark Eastwood, David Ludwig, Kent Quereau, Steve McClelland, and
Lowell Relkin
In the AHHS Band Doug played Trombone, David played Drums and Mark played
Trumpet and later Baritone Horn
First Gig: 1964 Jewish Community Center
Mark, I can't believe you left out the mini brute's experience in Schertz,
or was it Converse, and the time Robin Harris threw one of David's base
drum covers over a full 16 gallon keg of Lone Star during the load out
at NIOSA! Now those are stories worth telling! - Doug